Supplier Connect was built to address a big problem in big retail: handling the never-ending stream of payment inquiries and disputes from vendors. Without a dedicated system, accounts payable can spend way too long tracking down the information they need to answer those inquiries and resolve those disputes. Supplier Connect solves that problem with a software platform that makes it simple for businesses and their vendors to handle payments and disputes in one place, streamlining the process while cutting down on the number of disagreements.
After working out baseline messaging for the new product and settling on a tagline — “Less Conflict. More Collaboration.” — we started putting together all the different pieces PRGX needed to launch the product. That included several informational videos that outlined product features and functionality:

This video gave a full overview of Supplier Connect,

while the follow-up videos zoomed in on specific features like self-service capabilities...

....and the unified software platform. well as an informational one-pager:
...and a landing page:
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